How to manually collect reviews

Use a special page to collect reviews manually. You can share the link on your social pages, include it in your email campaigns, request a review from your offline sales, etc. When you are collecting reviews manually, you can choose whether it's for your site or for a certain product. 

As for the recently purchased products, our app automatically sends the review request email to your customers.

Here is a link - YOUR-SHOP-DOMAIN/pages/share-review

For example, we use this link on our demo site: By default, it allows you to leave a review for your site. But if you include a 'product_id' variable, then the posted review will be added to a certain product.

P.S. You will be able to find a product's ID on the Shopify admin panel in the products section here:

If you click on any of the products, you will see the product ID included in the link:

Here's an example of the link with the product ID: YOUR-SHOP-DOMAIN/pages/share-review?product_id=5809579819176

Also, if you add an 'email' variable to the link, then the email will be saved on the review form and you will need to specify your initials when leaving a review. For example, your may share that kind of link: YOUR-SHOP-DOMAIN/pages/share-review?

And when getting to the store the users will see this layout where they will also need to add their name and email:

If you experience any problems then feel free to contact us at or by chat icon in the bottom-right corner. We are here to help you 🤗